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Private Coaching 

Work with Me

Let's Play. Together.

Does play time feel like a constant struggle at your house?


Feeling overwhelmed by toys and play advice but not sure where to start?


Need help integrating simple, effective learning activities into your days?


I am here to help!


Book a private virtual play consultation to get tailored advice for playtime pain points. I can help you  



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Play Plan Consulting

A Play Plan Consult may work for you if you need specific ideas for supporting your child in play or working on developmental goals during playtime.


  • A 15 minute 'getting to know you' phone call: This is a chance for us to go over your child's interests, current IEP/IFSP goals, your vision for your child, your current play space set up, and anything else you want me to know about

  • One hour Zoom follow up call: This call is where I present a play plan specifically for your child. The play plan will include ideas for modifying or setting up your play space, individualized play goals with ideas for how to work on those goals, and several ideas for 'just right' play/learning activities. I'll also create some handouts/visuals to help you work towards your goals. This zoom call will take place a week after our first call.

  • One month of support/troubleshooting via email

Play/Playroom Coaching

A playroom consultation may work for you if you want extra guidance tackling toy overwhelm, want to start a toy rotation system, need help organizing play spaces, or have a specific play issue you want to talk through.


  • Upon booking, you will complete a play pain point survey. This survey will help pinpoint issues you may be having and help us both prep for our meeting.

  • One hour video conference, where we will meet to go over a plan for organizing your play space, including ideas for meeting the play needs of your children. Depending on your needs, I can help set up a toy rotation, troubleshooting play issues, or help you decide what toys to keep and what to leave.

  • One month of support/troubleshooting via email

  • Expert advice for your play or play space struggles.

    150 US dollars
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